Pop-Up Art Sale – Sunday 3rd December

Venue :  W.I. Hall, Newton Ferrers.

Our Members will displaying original paintings, prints, art cards and other artwork related gift items.  

Once or twice a year we hold Pop up Sales of our Members’ Paintings and related Art Cards, where the public can meet the artists.

This year we are holding a Pop Up on Saturday October  29th in
Newton & Noss Village Hall,
Noss Mayo.
10.30am – 4.00pm


Below are some images of previous pop ups.


Images of previous Pop Up Sales

Where are we based

Villages around the River Yealm, in the South Hams

Privacy Policy

Regular Events

Paint together sessions
Mondays 10am - 1pm in the Parish Room, Yealmpton
Mondays 1pm - 4pm in the Parish Room, Yealmpton
Thursdays 10.00am - 1.00pm in The Revelstoke Room, Village Hall, Noss Mayo.